If you have family photos that you would like to share with others this might be the place to post them. If you have a Brown County Family history to share contact the coordinator for this county.
Cecil Roberts
Bembridge Benjamin Quinn
Cecil & Georgia Roberts
Georgia Roberts
Isaac Walter Snodgrass and his wife Emmaline “Emma” and “Tink” Quinn (Snodgrass)
Walt Durkopp, my Mother’s (Phyllis Jean Roberts) last husband
Phillis Roberts
Cecil Eugene Roberts is the 2nd husband of Georgia Elizabeth Snodgrass.
Georgia Elizabeth Snodgrass (Roberts). The only child of Isaac Walter Snodgrass &Emmaline “Tink” Quinn (Snodgrass).
Georgia Elizabeth Snodgrass (Roberts) and her 2nd husband Cecil Eugene Roberts, their children are: Harold Eugene Roberts, Ardith lee Roberts (Pavlacky) and Phyllis Jean Roberts (Durkopp)
Trish Kelly
Trish Kelly
Trish Kelly
Chuck Kelly, Phyllis Jean Roberts 1st husband (my father)
BACK ROW LEFT SIDE:Charles E. Kelly (my father) next to him is, my mother: Phyllis Jean Roberts (Kelly) (his wife and the daughter of Cecil Roberts & Georgia Snodgrass) (she is holding me) next to Phyllis Roberts is: Geogia Snodgrass, next to her is her husband Cecil Roberts, next to him is their son Harold Eugene Roberts FRONT ROW: Ardith Llee Roberts (holding her son Joseph Robert Hayes) (daughter of Cecil Roberts and Georgia Snodgrass
Francis Marion Stout circa 1890
My email has changed. It is now genhistorian@yahoo.com
I am looking for any pictures of Margaret Riley who married Edward Logsdon. Thanks.