If you have access to any genealogical and/or historical information regarding Brown County, own or have access to reference books to do look-ups, or have information to post to this site, your submission would be appreciated. – Any public domain material: birth records, death records, cemetery listings, early settlers, family histories, military records, obituaries, old newspaper articles, town histories, photos, etc., would be appreciated. Our new URL is: https://brown-ilgw.genealogyvillage.com/
Our Purpose
These pages are a part of the ILGenWeb Project. They provide a resource for genealogists searching in Brown County, Illinois. You can post queries about surnames you are researching, see who else might be researching the same names as yourself, ask volunteers to do reference look-ups, volunteer to do reference look-ups, and get information on searching in Brown County. My name is Dennis Partridge, and I am currently the host of Brown County, you can contact me here, if you have any questions. I do not live in Brown County, or Illinois, but I will attempt to answer your research questions or point you in the direction of somebody who can.
- Lookup Volunteers– People who will search a specific resource for you.
- One Name Research – Our Lookup Responses
- Early Marriages 1839-1850
- Brown County Marriage Certificates – (Donated by patrons)
- Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900
- Permanent Resident Index – Brown County Burials
- List of Cemeteries
- Wills & Obituaries of Residents (Donated by patrons)
- Database of Illinois Death Certificates
- 1840 Federal Census
- 1850 Federal Census
- 1860 Federal Census Index of Surnames
- 1862 Military Census
- 1870 Federal Census Index of Surnames
- 1880 Federal Census -This is our own transcription-using local sources to decipher unreadable entries
- Researchers by Surname
- Family Histories
- Photos of Brown County Residents
- Brown County Almshouse transcription Illinois Archives
- Research Aids
- County History & Maps
- Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties Index
- Combined history of Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois
- Versailles Area Genealogical and Historical Society
- Church and Family History Research Assistance for Primitive Baptist Churches in Brown County, Illinois
- Brown County Clerk & Brown County Circuit Clerk (Includes probate lookup assistance)
- The Illinois Newspaper Project
- Queries
- Brown County Addresses
- Free Online Genealogy Training
- Research Tips
- African American Research Resources
- Research Resources
- Illinois Genealogy links
- Illinois State Genealogical Society (ILSGS)
- Brown County Maps